'I tell you the truth, anything you did for even the least of my people here, you also did for me.'
Food Pantry
In the book of Matthew, Jesus tells us with unwavering clarity that the church is called to serve. We take these words to heart and pray that what the Lord blessed us with is multiplied as we strive to bless others.
"I was hungry and you game me food. I was thirsty and you game me something to drink"..."I was without clothes and you came me something to wear." (Matthew 25: 35a and 36a).
What do I need to know before visiting the food pantry?
Patrons are provided with a box of staple goods once per month. Additionally, perishable food items are provided on a first come, first serve basis any day the patron visits when we are open for service.
Our food pantry operates as a drive-through for your safety and convenience. Simply come to our campus any day our food pantry is open for operation and follow the signs to join the line for service. When you join the line please be prepared to unlock and/or open your truck or hatch. Families driving trucks, your items will be placed in a box prior to placing the items in the bed of your truck.
To be able to best serve your family we will need to collect some basic information regarding your family size, residence and the ages of the people within your home.
To expedite your visit, please consider filling out the online application form prior to your visit. The online application can be found here: http://bit.ly/C3foodbank. If you are unable to complete the form prior to arrival, a volunteer will help you complete the registration while you are here.
This information is updated yearly or whenever your family experiences a change in circumstances. Please let a volunteer know if you need to update your personal information after a life-change such as a move, birth, death or marriage.
Part of your registration allows you to pick a person to pick up food when you are not able to do so. This person should be able to verify your basic family information if needed.
A few times per year Christway’s food pantry hosts special food distribution events. Usually these events are open to any resident of GA and do not usually exclude residents who live outside of Columbia County.
These distributions may happen anytime of the year but may also take place near holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and/or Easter.
We ask for your patience on these special distributions days as demand may be larger than our typical distributions and may take longer than you are used to experiencing.
Our Next Large Food Distribution Event TBD
If you live outside of Columbia County we encourage you to visit Golden Harvest’s website (https://goldenharvest.org/get-help/find-an-agency/) to find a food bank serving your area that might be closer to you. You may also call Golden Harvest at 706-736-1199 for more information regarding other food banks serving the CSRA.
Food Pantry Hours
Food Pantry
Monday & Friday
10 AM - 11 AM
Clothing Ministry
Clothing will be available this month on the following dates and times:
Wednesday, October 4, 8:30 - 10:30 AM
If you're in line for the food pantry, we ask that you please return to your car before 10 AM.
Our clothing ministry distributes free clothing to anyone in need twice a month. You don't not need to be a member of Christway no do you need to be a resident of Columbia County.Clothing ranges from children to adult sizes typically. Availably of sizes changes with each distribution day. If you're in need, we encourage you to look for the "Free Clothes" sign when you arrive to the food bank or call the church office for more information.
Organizations Who Have Donated
We would like to offer a special thank you to the following people and organizations for their generous donations. Without them, our food bank and clothing ministry would not be possible.
Food Bank Partners
Golden Harvest Food Banks
Food Lion
Food Bank Benefactors
Dr. Catherine Williamson
Clothing Closet Partners
Kid to Kid
Uptown Cheapskate
Want To Partner With Us?
Do you have a business and are interested in partnering with us to help support our food bank or clothing ministry? Please email c4christian@comcast.net for more information about how you can get involved. All donations remain local by serving the members of our local community.