Sunday School 9:00 AM

Led by Josh Whiting. This class meets in the education building across from the kids church room.

Led by a variety of Christway leaders. This class meets in the fellowship hall.

Led by Andy Albea and is for the C3 Students, middle +high school students. The students meet for Sunday School upstairs in the youth room. Breakfast is provided every week.

Our PreK-5th grade students will meet in the education building in the kids church room before breaking into small groups.

Nursery is available for both Sunday School and the Worship hour for kids 4 and under.

Wednesday Nights

5:30 - Dinner is free but donations are appreciated.
6:30 - Classes for everyone

Led by Marina Cooper. This class is for women only. They meet in the education building across from the kids church room.

Led by Duane Cooper. This class is open to everyone. They meet in the education building across from the nursery.

Led by Andy Albea. Axios is our middle & high school service. They meet upstairs in the youth room.

Led by Tanesha O’Reilly. C3 Kids (PreK-5th Grade) meet in the education building in the kids church room.

Nursery is available for for kids 4 and under.